Wednesday 1 October 2014

Making the Most of Cheshire - Gruffalo Walk

One of the many benefits of where we live is that we have the city on our doorstep but we are also on the doorstep of beautiful countryside. We border Manchester and Cheshire so are really fortunate.

A week or so ago the four of us, and my parents, headed to Delamere Forest to do the Gruffalo Walk. The walks are taking place at various sites across the country and have been organised to celebrate the Gruffalo's 15th Anniversary.

Delamere is fairly close to us, so didn't take too long to get there. We parked up and headed off for the walk. It is really geared up for young children, and the walk at Delamere was around 1.5 miles. It is super well signposted and there are images of the characters hidden in the woods - we didn't manage to spot fox unfortunately!

For older children there are signs along the way asking them to think about things like why the woods are good for us, the sorts of noises the animals make and to look for different leaves etc. All a bit too old for Daniel at the moment, but great for older children.

However Daniel had a great time throwing sticks and stones into the water with his grandad, throwing autumn leaves in the air, riding on shoulders and hiding in dens. It was great fun to just be outside enjoying the fresh air with both Daniel and Emma.

Of course the excitement is when you find the Gruffalo! The carvings are brilliant and huge! I wonder if anyone has been around all the sites to see all the different sculptures - impressive if they have!

We then headed back to the cafe area for a picnic and then home - it was enough time for Daniel and Emma who were both a bit grumpy that day.

We will be heading back sometime over the coming months as from the 3 October there is a Gruffalo Child's trail so we will look forward to that.

Did you manage to take a stroll in the deep dark wood and spot a Gruffalo?

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