Saturday 5 July 2014

Expressions #6 - It's all a bit overwhelming!

One of the things that I have taken Daniel to since he was around eight weeks old is Jo Jingles. We really do love Jo in our house and it's a huge part of Daniel's development and an important activity that helps build his confidence.

So when I spotted a request via Facebook for people to take part in a local parade walk in Bramhall it seemed like the perfect way for us to spend a Saturday morning.

We were keen for Daniel to be involved, especially as it would be a good crowd and would get him used to being around lots of people.

The day started well and he was excited to be putting on his Jo Jingles t-shirt and spent some time practicing his music playing. When we got to the meeting point he was really keen to help himself to an instrument to play on the walk and we managed to convince him, eventually, to put on his new tshirt that I collected that morning.
However when 'Big Jo' came out... it was a different story! He has seen Big Jo before when he was around 9/10 months old, and was a bit unsure then, but his reaction this time was not good! He was really not very happy with Big Jo at all.

We had hoped that he would walk the route, but he point blank refused to and instead spent most of the time snuggled up against me in the Ergo carrier - the carrier proving its worth again - It was nice to know that he felt calm and safe snuggled up against me despite being unsure about the whole situation.

Once back to the car park he was quite happy to take his class teachers hand and walk to get his balloon and goody bag.... once Big Jo had finally said Bye Bye!

Expressions photos

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